Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 61: Śunaḥśepa Sold
Text 1.61.7
पशुरद्य हृतो राजन्प्रणष्टस्तव दुर्नयात्।
अरक्षितारं राजानं घ्नन्ति दोषा नरेश्वर॥
paśur adya hṛto rājan praṇaṣṭas tava durnayāt
arakṣitāraṁ rājānaṁ ghnanti doṣā nareśvara
paśuḥ adya hṛtaḥ rājan = O king, today the sacrificial animal has been stolen; praṇaṣṭaḥ = by someone; tava durnayāt = due to your inattention; arakṣitāram rājānam = the king who fails to protect it; ghnanti doṣāḥ = defects such as the loss of a sacrificial animal destroy; nara-iśvara = O king.
O king, today the sacrificial animal has been stolen by someone due to your inattention. O king, defects such as the loss of a sacrificial animal destroy the king who fails to protect it.