Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 62: Śunaḥśepa Saved
Text 1.62.12

नाथवांश्च शुनःशेपो यज्ञश्चाविघ्नितो भवेत्।
देवतास्तर्पिताश्च स्युर्मम चापि कृतं वचः॥

nāthavāṁś ca śunaḥśepo yajñaś cāvighnito bhavet
tarpitāś ca syur mama cāpi kṛtaṁ vacaḥ

nāthavān ca śunaḥśepaḥ = thus Śunaḥśepa will have a protector; yajñaḥ ca avighnitaḥ bhavet = the sacrifice will be freed from hindrance; devatāḥ = the demigods; tarpitāḥ ca syuḥ = will be satisfied; mama ca api kṛtam vacaḥ = and my words will be kept.

Thus Śunaḥśepa will have a protector, the sacrifice will be freed from hindrance, the demigods will be satisfied and my words will be kept.

Śunaḥśepa will have a protector when he is protected by me.