Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 65: Viśvāmitra Becomes a Brahmarṣi
Text 1.65.3
पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु काष्ठभूतं महामुनिम्।
विघ्नैर्बहुभिराधूतं क्रोधो नान्तरमाविशत्॥
pūrṇe varṣa-sahasre tu kāṣṭha-bhūtaṁ mahā-munim
vighnair bahubhir ādhūtaṁ krodho nāntaram āviśat
pūrṇe varṣa-sahasre tu = after a thousand years had passed; kāṣṭha-bhūtam = the stonelike; mahā-munim = great sage of a firm mind; vighnaiḥ = obstacles; bahubhiḥ = through many; ādhūtam = even though he was subjected to disturbances; krodhaḥ = anger; na antaram āviśat = could not enter.
After a thousand years had passed, anger could not enter the stonelike great sage of a firm mind, even though he was subjected to disturbances through many obstacles.
Krodho nāntaram āviśat indicates that Viśvāmitra’s mind was so firm like a stone that anger did not get a chance to enter into it.