Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 65: Viśvāmitra Becomes a Brahmarṣi
Text 1.65.5

तस्य वर्षसहस्रस्य व्रते पूर्णे महाव्रतः।
भोक्तुमारब्धवानन्नं तस्मिन्काले रघूत्तम।
इन्द्रो द्विजातिर्भूत्वा तं सिद्धमन्नम् अयाचत॥

tasya varṣa-sahasrasya vrate pūrṇe mahā-vrataḥ
ārabdhavān annaṁ tasmin kāle raghūttama
dvijātir bhūtvā taṁ siddham annam ayācata

tasya = his; varṣa-sahasrasya = of a thousand years; vrate = resolved vow; pūrṇe = when had completed; mahā-vrataḥ = the greatly austere one; bhoktum ārabdhavān = began to eat; annam = rice; tasmin kāle = at the time of breaking his fast; raghu-uttama = O best of the Raghus,; indraḥ = Indra; dvijātiḥ bhūtvā = then assumed the form of a twice-born and; tam = him; siddham annam = for cooked rice; ayācata begged.

O best of the Raghus, when his resolved vow of a thousand years had completed, the greatly austere one began to eat rice at the time of breaking his fast. Indra then assumed the form of a twice-born and begged him for cooked rice.