Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 65: Viśvāmitra Becomes a Brahmarṣi
Text 1.65.9

ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः पन्नगासुरराक्षसाः।
मोहितास्तेजसा तस्य तपसा मन्दरश्मयः।
कश्मलोपहताः सर्वे पितामहमथाब्रुवन्॥

tato devāḥ sagandharvāḥ pannagāsura-rākṣasāḥ
tejasā tasya tapasā manda-raśmayaḥ
sarve pitāmaham athābruvan

tataḥ = then; devāḥ = the devas; sa-gandharvāḥ = gandharvas; pannaga-asura-rākṣasāḥ = birds, asuras and rākṣasas; mohitāḥ = fainted; tejasāḥ tasya tapasā = because of the fire in the form of his austerity; manda-raśmayaḥ = their effulgence dulled; kaśmala-upahatāḥ = afflicted by sorrow; sarve = all of them; pitāmaham = to Grandfather Brahmā; atha abruvan = spoke.

Then the devas, gandharvas, birds, asuras and rākṣasas fainted because of the fire in the form of his austerity. Afflicted by sorrow, their effulgence dulled, all of them spoke to Grandfather Brahmā.