Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 66: The History of Lord Śiva’s bow
Text 1.66.18

ततः सर्वे नृपतयः समेत्य मुनिपुङ्गव।
मिथिलामभ्युपागम्य वीर्यजिज्ञासवस्तदा॥

tataḥ sarve nṛ-patayaḥ sametya muni-puṅgava
abhyupāgamya vīrya-jijñāsavas tadā

tataḥ = then; sarve = all; nṛ-patayaḥ = of the kings; sametya = got together; muni-puṅgava = O best of sages; mithilām = Mithilā; abhyupāgamya = approached; vīrya-jijñāsavaḥ tadā = and became desirous of knowing the strength of that bow.

O best of sages, then all of the kings got together, approached Mithilā and became desirous of knowing the strength of that bow.