Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 67: Lord Rāma Breaks Lord Śiva’s bow
Text 1.67.26

मुनिगुप्तौ च काकुत्स्थौ कथयन्तु नृपाय वै।
प्रीयमाणं तु राजानमानयन्तु सुशीघ्रगाः॥

muni-guptau ca kākutsthau kathayantu nṛpāya vai
tu rājānam ānayantu suśīghragāḥ

muni-guptau ca = are protected by the sage Viśvāmitra; kākutsthau = the Kākutsthas; kathayantu = let them tell that; nṛpāya vai = the king; prīyamāṇam tu = the delighted; rājānam = king; ānayantu = let them bring; suśīghragāḥ = go very quickly and.

Let them tell the king that the Kākutsthas are protected by the sage Viśvāmitra. Let them go very quickly and bring the delighted king.1

1 Janaka was correctly confident that Daśaratha would be delighted upon hearing the news.