Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 68: Daśaratha Delighted
Text 1.68.7
पृष्ट्वा कुशलमव्यग्रं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिपः।
कौशिकानुमते वाक्यं भवन्तमिदमब्रवीत्॥
pṛṣṭvā kuśalam avyagraṁ vaideho mithilādhipaḥ
kauśikānumate vākyaṁ bhavantam idam abravīt
pṛṣṭvā = having inquired; kuśalam = welfare; avyagram = about your steady; vaidehaḥ = King Janaka of Videha; mithilā-adhipaḥ = the ruler of Mithilā; kauśika-anumate = with the permission of the son of Kuśika; vākyam = message to [be related to]; bhavantam = Your Highness; idam = the following; abravīt = has spoken.
Having inquired about your steady welfare, with the permission of the son of Kuśika, King Janaka of Videha, the ruler of Mithilā, has spoken the following message to [be related to] Your Highness.