Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 69: Daśaratha Reaches Mithilā
Text 19

राजा च राघवौ पुत्रौ निशाम्य परिहर्षितः।
उवास परमप्रीतो जनकेनाभिपूजितः॥

rājā ca rāghavau putrau niśāmya pariharṣitaḥ
parama-prīto janakenābhipūjitaḥ

rājā ca = King Daśaratha; rāghavau = the two Rāghavas; putrau = his sons; niśāmya = seeing; pariharṣitaḥ = became overjoyed; uvāsa = he resided there; parama-prītaḥ = in extreme happiness; janakena = by Janaka; abhipūjitaḥ = greatly honored.

Seeing his sons, the two Rāghavas, King Daśaratha became overjoyed. Greatly honored by Janaka, he resided there in extreme happiness.