Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 70: Rāma’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.70.32

तत्रैका तु महाभागा भार्गवं देववर्चसम्।
ववन्दे पद्मपत्राक्षी काङ्क्षन्ती सुतमात्मनः॥

tatraikā tu mahā-bhāgā bhārgavaṁ deva-varcasam
padma-patrākṣī kāṅkṣantī sutam ātmanaḥ

tatra ekā tu = one of Asita’s wives; mahā-bhāgā = who was greatly fortunate; bhārgavam = the son of Bhṛgu; deva-varcasam = who was lustrous like a celestial; vavande = beseeched; padma-patrākṣī = whose eyes were like lotus leaves; kāṅkṣantī = for she hankered; sutam ātmanaḥ = to give birth to her son [alive].

One of Asita’s wives who was greatly fortunate and whose eyes were like lotus leaves beseeched the son of Bhṛgu, who was lustrous like a celestial, for she hankered to give birth to her son [alive].