मघा ह्यद्य महाबाहो तृतीये दिवसे विभो।
फल्गुन्यामुत्तरे राजंस्तस्मिन्वैवाहिकं कुरु।
रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् दानं कार्यं सुखोदयम्॥
maghā hy adya mahā-bāho tṛtīye divase vibho
phalgunyām uttare rājaṁs tasmin vaivāhikaṁ kuru
rāma-lakṣmaṇayo rājan dānaṁ kāryaṁ sukhodayam
maghā = the star Maghā; hi adya = today is on the ascendant; mahā-bāho = O mighty-armed; tṛtīye divase = on the third day from today; vibho = O Lord; phalgunyām uttare = under influence of the Uttara-phalguṇī star; rājan = O king; tasmin = the; vaivāhikam kuru = please perform the ceremonies that are required for the marriage; rāma-lakṣmaṇayoḥ = for Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa; rājan = O king; dānam kāryam = charity of cows, land, sesame seeds, gold and so on; sukha-udayam = will yield happiness.
O mighty-armed, O Lord, O king, today the star Maghā is on the ascendant. On the third day from today, under the influence of the Uttara-phalguṇī star, please perform the ceremonies that are required for the marriage. O king, charity of cows, land, sesame seeds, gold and so on will yield happiness for Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa.
[1] trīṇy uttarāṇy api tathārka-maghānurādhā-mūlāntya-soma-kamalodbhava-bhāny-uḍūni.
Performing such charity will bring great happiness for the bridegroom and the bride. In the jyotiṣa-śāstras, it is recommended that one give one’s virgin daughter in wedding under the influence of the Uttara-phālguṇī star.[1]