Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 71: Sītā’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.71.24

मघा ह्यद्य महाबाहो तृतीये दिवसे विभो।
फल्गुन्यामुत्तरे राजंस्तस्मिन्वैवाहिकं कुरु।
रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् दानं कार्यं सुखोदयम्॥

maghā hy adya mahā-bāho tṛtīye divase vibho
uttare rājaṁs tasmin vaivāhikaṁ kuru
rājan dānaṁ kāryaṁ sukhodayam

maghā = the star Maghā; hi adya = today is on the ascendant; mahā-bāho = O mighty-armed; tṛtīye divase = on the third day from today; vibho = O Lord; phalgunyām uttare = under influence of the Uttara-phalguṇī star; rājan = O king; tasmin = the; vaivāhikam kuru = please perform the ceremonies that are required for the marriage; rāma-lakṣmaṇayoḥ = for Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa; rājan = O king; dānam kāryam = charity of cows, land, sesame seeds, gold and so on; sukha-udayam = will yield happiness.

O mighty-armed, O Lord, O king, today the star Maghā is on the ascendant. On the third day from today, under the influence of the Uttara-phalguṇī star, please perform the ceremonies that are required for the marriage. O king, charity of cows, land, sesame seeds, gold and so on will yield happiness for Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa.

Performing such charity will bring great happiness for the bridegroom and the bride. In the jyotiṣa-śāstras, it is recommended that one give one’s virgin daughter in wedding under the influence of the Uttara-phālguṇī star.[1]

[1] trīṇy uttarāṇy api tathārka-maghānurādhā-mūlāntya-soma-kamalodbhava-bhāny-uḍūni.