Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 72: Daśaratha’s Charity Before the Wedding
Text 1.72.25

स सुतैः कृतगोदानैर्वृतस्तु नृपतिस्तदा।
लोकपालैरिवाभाति वृतः सौम्यः प्रजापतिः॥

sa sutaiḥ kṛta-go-dānair vṛtas tu nṛ-patis tadā
ivābhāti vṛtaḥ saumyaḥ prajāpatiḥ

saḥ = the; sutaiḥ = by his sons; kṛta-go-dānaiḥ = who had performed the go-dāna ceremony; vṛtaḥ tu = surrounded; nṛ-patiḥ tadā = the king; loka-pālaiḥ = by loka-pāla demigods; iva = like; ābhāti = shone; vṛtaḥ = surrounded; saumyaḥ = with a happy mind; prajāpatiḥ = Prajāpati Brahmā.

With a happy mind, the king, surrounded by his sons who had performed the go-dāna ceremony, shone like Prajāpati Brahmā surrounded by the loka-pāla demigods.1

1 Go-dāna here refers to giving cows in charity before the samāvartana ceremony. This can be gathered from Āśvalāyana-kārikā and Yājñavalkya-smṛti.