Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 75: The History of the Bows of Lord Śiva and Lord Viṣṇu
Text 1.75.16

अभिप्रायं तु विज्ञाय देवतानां पितामहः।
विरोधं जनयामास तयोः सत्यवतां वरः॥

abhiprāyaṁ tu vijñāya devatānāṁ pitāmahaḥ
janayām āsa tayoḥ satyavatāṁ varaḥ

abhiprāyam tu = the intention; vijñāya = having understood; devatānām = of the demigods; pitāmahaḥ = Grandfather Brahmā; virodham = a quarrel; janayām āsa = created; tayoḥ = between them; satyavatām varaḥ = the best of the truthful.

Having understood the intention of the demigods, Grandfather Brahmā, the best of the truthful, created a quarrel between them.

In the past, Lord Brahmā had described that Lord Viṣṇu is superior [to Lord Śiva and all other worshipable deities] when he had offered his prayers to Him when He had appeared as Varāha to lift Bhūmi when she had sunk in the Garbhodhaka Ocean and whenever Lord Viṣṇu had engaged in similar pastimes. But, in
this incident of the destruction of Tripura, it appeared that Lord Viṣṇu had been subordinated by Lord Śiva and that Lord Śiva therefore appeared to be superior to Lord Viṣṇu. The demigods were thinking along these lines and Lord Brahmā detected it.

“The best of the truthful” indicates that Lord Brahmā thought, “I have often taught these demigods about this and yet they are not satisfied. Therefore, I will reveal who is superior through a practical demonstration.” And so he created a quarrel between Lord Viṣṇu and Lord Śiva.

He told Lord Viṣṇu, “Rudra told me, ‘I am the best archer [as is clear from my destruction of Tripura]. [Therefore,] Viṣṇu is [obviously] subordinate to me.’” And then he told Lord Śiva, “Viṣṇu told me, ‘I was present as the tip of the arrows [shot by Rudra] and it is because of Me that Tripura was destroyed. [Therefore, Rudra is subordinate to Me.]’”