Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 10: Ṛśyaśṛṅga Comes to Romapada’s kingdom
Text 1.10.11

ताश्चित्रवेषाः प्रमदाः गायन्त्यो मधुरस्वरैः।
ऋषिपुत्रमुपागम्य सर्वा वचनमब्रुवन्॥

tāś citra-veṣāḥ pramadāḥ gāyantyo madhura-svaraiḥ
ṛṣi-putram upāgamya sarvā vacanam abruvan

tāḥ = those; citra-veṣāḥ = with varied ornaments; pramadāḥ = enchanting women; gāyantyaḥ = singing; madhura-svaraiḥ = in sweet voices; ṛṣi-putram = the son of the sage; upāgamya = and approached; sarvāḥ = all; vacanam = the following words; abruvan = spoke.

Singing in sweet voices, all those enchanting women with varied ornaments approached the son of the sage and spoke the following words.