Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 10: Ṛśyaśṛṅga Comes to Romapada’s kingdom
Text 1.10.17

आगतानां ततः पूजामृषिपुत्रश्चकार ह।
इदमर्घ्यमिदं पाद्यमिदं मूलं इदं फलम्॥

āgatānāṁ tataḥ pūjām ṛṣi-putraś cakāra ha
idam arghyam idaṁ pādyam idaṁ mūlaṁ idaṁ phalam

āgatānāṁ = his guests; tataḥ = then; pūjām ṛṣi-putraḥ cakāra ha = the sage’s son honored; idam = here; arghyam = arghya; idaṁ = here is; pādyam = is water for washing your feet; idaṁ = here; mūlaṁ = are roots; idaṁ = and here; phalam = are fruits.

Then the sage’s son honored his guests: Here is arghya, here is water for washing your feet, here are roots and here are fruits.