Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 12: Preparation for the Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.12.16

शक्यः कर्तुमयं यज्ञः सर्वेणापि महीक्षिता।
नापराधो भवेत्कष्टो यद्यस्मिन्क्रतुसत्तमे॥

śakyaḥ kartum ayaṁ yajñaḥ sarveṇāpi mahī-kṣitā
bhavet kaṣṭo yady asmin kratu-sattame

śakyaḥ kartum = would successfully execute; ayam = this; yajñaḥ = sacrifice; sarveṇa api = every; mahī-kṣitā = king; na = no; aparādhaḥ = offenses; bhavet = there would be; kaṣṭaḥ = or calamity; yadi = if; asmin = this; kratu-sattame = in performing this best of sacrifices.

If there would be no offenses or calamity in performing this best of sacrifices, every king would successfully execute this sacrifice.1

1. Therefore, it is very rarely executed.