Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 13: Daśaratha Goes to the Sacrificial Arena
Text 1.13.11

आगतानां सुदूराच्च पार्थिवाणां पृथक्पृथक्।
वाजिवारणशालाश्च तथा शय्यागृहाणि च।
भटाणां महदावासा वैदेशिकनिवासिनाम्॥

āgatānāṁ sudūrāc ca pārthivāṇāṁ pṛthak pṛthak
ca tathā śayyā-gṛhāṇi ca
mahad-āvāsā vaideśika-nivāsinām

āgatānām = coming; sudūrāt ca = from far away places; pārthivāṇām = for kings; pṛthak pṛthak = there should be individual residences; vāji-vāraṇa-śālāḥ ca = accommodation for their horses and elephants; tathā = as well as; śayyā-gṛhāṇi ca = houses for rest; bhaṭāṇām = for soldiers; mahat-āvāsāḥ = there should be large accommodation facilities; vaideśika-nivāsinām = from foreign lands.

There should be individual residences for kings coming from far away places, accommodation for their horses and elephants, as well as houses for rest. There should be large accommodation facilities for soldiers from foreign lands.