यज्ञकर्मणि ये व्यग्राः पुरुषाः शिल्पिनस्तथा।
तेषामपि विशेषेण पूजा कार्या यथाक्रमम्।
ते च स्युः सम्भृताः सर्वे वसुभिर्भोजनेन च॥
yajña-karmaṇi ye vyagrāḥ puruṣāḥ śilpinas tathā
teṣām api viśeṣeṇa pūjā kāryā yathā-kramam
te ca syuḥ sambhṛtāḥ sarve vasubhir bhojanena ca
yajña-karmaṇi = with the sacrificial work; ye = who; vyagrāḥ = are busy; puruṣāḥ = persons; śilpinaḥ = the artisans; tathā = as well as; teṣām = those; api = also; viśeṣeṇa = with great respect; pūjā = honored; kāryā = be; should yathā-kramam = according to their superiority; te = of them; ca = also; syuḥ = should be; sambhṛtāḥ = satisfied; sarve = all; vasubhiḥ = with wealth; bhojanena = food; ca = and.
Those persons who are busy with the sacrificial work as well as the artisans should also be honored with great respect according to their superiority. All of them should also be satisfied with wealth and food.