Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 14: The Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.14.11
न तेष्वहःसु श्रान्तो वा क्षुधितो वापि दृश्यते।
नाविद्वान्ब्राह्मणस्तत्र नाशतानुचरस्तथा॥
na teṣv ahaḥsu śrānto vā kṣudhito vāpi dṛśyate
nāvidvān brāhmaṇas tatra nāśatānucaras tathā
na = was none; teṣu ahaḥsu = during the days; śrāntaḥ vā = exhausted; kṣudhitaḥ vā api = due to thirst or hunger; dṛśyate = to be seen; na = no; avidvān = unscholarly; brāhmaṇas = brāhmaṇas; tatra = when the sacrifice was performed, there; na aśata-anucaraḥ tathā = or without at least a hundred followers each.
During the days when the sacrifice was performed, there was none to be seen exhausted due to thirst or hunger, no unscholarly brāhmaṇas or without at least a hundred followers each.
The prosperity of distribution of grains (anna-dāna) on that occasion is next described in eight verses. Even though when soma is procured, the food offered in sacrifice (yajñānna) is not meant to be consumed, still by the impact of Vasiṣṭha on all ingredients, it was not faulty.