Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 14: The Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.14.47
ऋत्विजश्चाब्रुवन्सर्वे राजानं गतकल्मषम्।
भवानेव महीं कृत्स्नामेको रक्षितुमर्हति॥
ṛtvijaś cābruvan sarve rājānaṁ gata-kalmaṣam
bhavān eva mahīṁ kṛtsnām eko rakṣitum arhati
ṛtvijaḥ ca = the sacrificial priests; abruvan = told; sarve = all; rājānam = the king; gata-kalmaṣam = now purified of all contamination; bhavān eva = Your Majesty; mahīṁ = earth; kṛtsnām = this entire; ekaḥ = alone; rakṣitum arhati = should protect.
All the sacrificial priests told the king, now purified of all contamination: Your Majesty alone should protect this entire earth.