Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 14: The Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.14.57

तस्याशिषोऽथ विधिवद्ब्राह्मणैः समुदाहृताः।
उदारस्य नृवीरस्य धरण्यां प्रणतस्य च॥

tasyāśiṣo ’tha vidhivad brāhmaṇaiḥ samudāhṛtāḥ
nṛ-vīrasya dharaṇyāṁ praṇatasya ca

tasya āśiṣaḥ = upon that; atha = then; vidhivat = as per scriptural regulations; brāhmaṇaiḥ = by the brāhmaṇas; samudāhṛtāḥ = blessings were uttered; udārasya = generous; nṛ-vīrasya = hero among men; dharaṇyām = on the ground; praṇatasya ca = who had offered them obeisances.

Then, as per scriptural regulations, blessings were uttered by the brāhmaṇas upon that generous hero among men who had offered them obeisances on the ground.