Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 15: The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection
Text 1.15.24

ऋषयस्तु ततस्तेन गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा।
क्रीडन्तो नन्दनवने क्रूरेण किल हिंसिताः॥

ṛṣayas tu tatas tena gandharvāpsarasas tathā
nandana-vane krūreṇa kila hiṁsitāḥ

ṛṣayaḥ tu = in the past, ṛṣis; tataḥ = proud of his prowess; tena = by that; gandharva-apsarasaḥ tathā = gandharvas and apsarās; krīḍantaḥ = sporting; nandana-vane = in the Nandana forest; krūreṇa kila = cruel one; hiṁsitāḥ = have been tortured.

In the past, ṛṣis, gandharvas and apsarās sporting in the Nandana forest have been tortured by that cruel one, proud of his prowess.

Rāvaṇa was cruel because he tortured gandharva and apsarā couples.