Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 15: The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection
Text 1.15.30
एवं दत्त्वा वरं देवो देवानां विष्णुरात्मवान्।
मानुषे चिन्तयामास जन्मभूमिमथात्मनः॥
evaṁ dattvā varaṁ devo devānāṁ viṣṇur ātmavān
mānuṣe cintayām āsa janma-bhūmim athātmanaḥ
evam dattvā = having bestowed; varam = this benediction; devaḥ = the God; devānām = of the demigods; viṣṇuḥ = Lord Viṣṇu; ātmavān = the proprietor and master of all souls; mānuṣe = amongst men; cintayām āsa = thought; janma-bhūmim = about place of birth; atha ātmanaḥ = His.
Having bestowed this benediction, the god of the demigods, Lord Viṣṇu, the proprietor and master of all souls, thought about His place of birth amongst men.