Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 15: The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection
Text 1.15.5
ताः समेत्य यथान्यायं तस्मिन्सदसि देवताः।
अब्रुवँल्लोककर्तारं ब्रह्माणं वचनं महत्॥
tāḥ sametya yathā-nyāyaṁ tasmin sadasi devatāḥ
abruvanl loka-kartāraṁ brahmāṇaṁ vacanaṁ mahat
tāḥ = those; sametya = having assembled; yathā-nyāyam = according to the prescribed sequence; tasmin = in that; sadasi = Aśvamedha sacrificial arena; devatāḥ = demigods; abruvan = spoke; loka-kartāram = their master and the creator of the worlds; brahmāṇam = Lord Brahmā; vacanam = words to; mahat = these significant.
Having assembled in that Aśvamedha sacrificial arena according to the prescribed sequence, those demigods spoke these significant words to Lord Brahmā, their master and the creator of the worlds.
Mahat indicates that the prayer submitted by these demigods were more significant in consideration of the results.