Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 16: Daśaratha Benedicted
Text 1.16.29

कौसल्यायै नरपतिः पायसार्धं ददौ तदा।
अर्धादर्धं ददौ चापि सुमित्रायै नराधिपः।
कैकेय्यै चावशिष्टार्धं ददौ पुत्रार्थकारणात्॥

kausalyāyai nara-patiḥ pāyasārdhaṁ dadau tadā
ardhaṁ dadau cāpi sumitrāyai narādhipaḥ
cāvaśiṣṭārdhaṁ dadau putrārtha-kāraṇāt

kausalyāyai = to Kausalyā; nara-patiḥ = the king; pāyasa ardham = half of the pāyasa; dadau tadā = gave; ardhāt = of the remaining half; ardham = half; dadau ca api = gave; sumitrāyai = to Sumitrā; nara adhipaḥ = the king then; kaikeyyai = to Kaikeyī; ca = and then; avaśiṣṭa ardham = a half of the remaining; dadau = he gave; putra-artha-kāraṇāt = to beget sons.

The king gave half of the pāyasa to Kausalyā, half of the remaining half to Sumitrā, and a half of the remaining to Kaikeyī to beget sons.

Then the king divided the pāyasa and gave his queens. This is described in three verses beginning with this verse. Pāyasārdham refers to half of the pāyasa [1]. Because Kausalyā was the senior wife, he gave her that. Sumitrā was his second queen, and so he gave her half of the remainder. In other words, he gave Sumitrā a quarter of the pāyasa. He gave his third queen Kaikeyī a half of the remainder, that is, one-eighth of the pāyasa.

[1] ardhaṁ same ’ṁśake. (Amara)


1 ardhaṁ same ’ṁśake. (Amara)