Canto 1: Bāla-kāṇḍa (Boyhood)Chapter 17: Brahmā Orders the Demigods to Incarnate and Assist RāmaText 1.17.25
Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 17: Brahmā Orders the Demigods to Incarnate and Assist Rāma
Text 1.17.25
शिलाप्रहरणाः सर्वे सर्वे पादपयोधिनः।
नखदंष्ट्रायुधाः सर्वे सर्वे सर्वास्त्रकोविदाः॥
śilā-praharaṇāḥ sarve sarve pādapa-yodhinaḥ
nakha-daṁṣṭrāyudhāḥ sarve sarve sarvāstra-kovidāḥ
śilā-praharaṇāḥ = threw stones; sarve = all of them; sarve = all of them; pādapa-yodhinaḥ = fought with trees; nakha-daṁṣṭra-āyudhāḥ = used their nails and teeth as weapons; sarve = all of them; sarve = all of them; sarva-astra-kovidāḥ = were expert in the usage of various weapons.
All of them threw stones. All of them fought with trees. All of them used their nails and teeth as weapons. All of them were expert in the usage of various weapons.
Since they were born from the devas, they were intuitively aware of how to use various weapons, but they didn’t use any of the [celestial] weapons.