Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 17: Brahmā Orders the Demigods to Incarnate and Assist Rāma
Text 1.17.32

सूर्यपुत्रं च सुग्रीवं शक्रपुत्रं च वालिनं।
भ्रातरावुपतस्थुस्ते सर्व एव हरीश्वराः।
नलं नीलं हनूमन्तमन्यांश्च हरियूथपान्॥

sūrya-putraṁ ca sugrīvaṁ śakra-putraṁ ca vālinaṁ
upatasthus te sarva eva harīśvarāḥ
nīlaṁ hanūmantam anyāṁś ca hari-yūthapān

sūrya-putram ca = the son of Sūrya; sugrīvam = Sugrīva; śakra-putram ca = the son of Indra; vālinam = and Vālī; bhrātarau = the brothers; upatasthuḥ = took shelter of; te = the; sarve eva = all; hari-īśvarāḥ = monkey chiefs; nalam = as well as Nala; nīlam = Nīla; hanūmantam = Hanumān; anyān ca = as well as; hari-yūthapān = other monkey chiefs.

All the monkey chiefs took shelter of the brothers Sugrīva, the son of Sūrya, and Vālī, the son of Indra, as well as Nala, Nīla, Hanumān as well as other monkey chiefs.

Sage Vālmīki now describes the king, the crown prince and ministers of those monkeys. Sugrīva was the crown prince. Vālī was the king. Nala and others were ministers.