ते यदा ज्ञानसम्पन्नाः सर्वे समुदिता गुणैः।
ह्रीमन्तः कीर्तिमन्तश्च सर्वज्ञा दीर्घदर्शिनः॥
तेषामेवम्प्रभावानां सर्वेषां दीप्ततेजसाम्।
पिता दशरथो हृष्टो ब्रह्मा लोकाधिपो यथा॥
te yadā jñāna-sampannāḥ sarve samuditā guṇaiḥ
hrīmantaḥ kīrtimantaś ca sarva-jñā dīrgha-darśinaḥ
teṣām evam-prabhāvānāṁ sarveṣāṁ dīpta-tejasām
pitā daśaratho hṛṣṭo brahmā lokādhipo yathā
te = of Them; yadā = when; jñāna-sampannāḥ = were endowed with scriptural knowledge; sarve = all; samuditāḥ = developed; guṇaiḥ = with auspicious characteristics; hrīmantaḥ = shy; kīrtimantaḥ ca = famous; sarva-jñāḥ = possessed of all worldly wisdom; dīrgha-darśinaḥ = and in knowledge of the future; teṣām = of Them; evam-prabhāvānām = of such capabilities; sarveṣām = about all; dīpta-tejasām = of Them and effulgent prowess; pitā = their father; daśarathaḥ = Daśaratha; hṛṣṭaḥ = became delighted; brahmā = Brahmā; loka-adhipaḥ = the superintendent of the worlds; yathā = like.
When all of Them were endowed with scriptural knowledge, developed with auspicious characteristics, shy, famous, possessed of all worldly wisdom and in knowledge of the future, Their father Daśaratha became delighted about all of Them of such capabilities and effulgent prowess like Brahmā, the superintendent of the worlds.
Previously it was described that Daśaratha was happy due to having attained sons. Now it is described that he was happy because They attained auspicious qualities. Shyness means being embarrassed at inappropriate thoughts due to mistakes. Fame refers to reputation due to knowledge.