Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 19: Viśvāmitra Requests Daśaratha to Give Rāma
Text 1.19.11

न च तौ राममासाद्य शक्तौ स्थातुं कथञ्चन।
न च तौ राघवादन्यो हन्तुम् उत्सहते पुमान्॥

na ca tau rāmam āsādya śaktau sthātuṁ kathañcana
ca tau rāghavād anyo hantum utsahate pumān

na ca = not; tau = those two rākṣasas Mārīca and Subāhu; rāmam = Rāma; āsādya = to; śaktau = are capable; sthātum kathañcana = of standing up; na ca = no; tau = them; rāghavāt = than Rāghava; anyaḥ = other; hantum = to kill; utsahate = is powerful enough; pumān = man.

Those two rākṣasas Mārīca and Subāhu are not capable of standing up to Rāma. No man other than Rāghava is powerful enough to kill them.

The first half of the verse is spoken in anticipation of the question, “But how can this boy become capable of destroying those two rākṣasas?” And the second half of the verse is spoken while anticipating that Daśaratha might volunteer to accompany Viśvāmitra to kill Mārīca and Subāhu.