Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 2: Lord Brahmā Instructs Vālmīki
Text 1.2.20

सोऽभिषेकं ततः कृत्वा तीर्थे तस्मिन्यथाविधि।
तमेव चिन्तयन्नर्थमुपावर्तत वै मुनिः॥

so ’bhiṣekaṁ tataḥ kṛtvā tīrthe tasmin yathā-vidhi
tam eva cintayann artham upāvartata vai muniḥ

saḥ = the sage; abhiṣekam = his bath; tataḥ = then; kṛtvā = after taking; tīrthe = at sacred spot; tasmin = that; yathā-vidhi = according to the scriptural rules; tam = that event; eva = very; cintayan = while thinking about; artham = event; upāvartata vai = turned [towards his āśrama]; muniḥ = sage.

Then, after taking his bath at that sacred spot according to the scriptural rules, the sage turned [towards his āśrama] while thinking about that very event.

The sage then performed his afternoon bath in that very spot that had clear water with no mud at the bottom according to the rules and regulations of the scriptures [14].

He was contemplating about his involuntary utterance of the śloka. Then he turned towards his āśrama.

[14] tato madhyāhna-samaye snānārthaṁ mṛdam āharet / puṣpākṣatān kuśa-tilān gomayaṁ gandham eva ca; nadīṣu deva-khāteṣu taṭākeṣu saraḥsu ca / snānaṁ samācaren nityaṁ nadī-prasravaṇeṣu ca; mṛdaikayā śiraḥ kṣālya dvābhyāṁ nābhes tathopari / adhaś catasṛbhiḥ kṣālyaṁ pādau ṣaḍbhis tathaiva ca; mṛttikā ca samādiṣṭā tv ārdrāmalaka-mātrataḥ / gomayasya pramāṇaṁ tat tenāṅgaṁ lepayet tataḥ; lepayed atha tīrasthas tal-liṅgenaiva mantrataḥ / prakṣālyācamya vidhivat tataḥ snāyāt samāhitaḥ; abhimantrya jalaṁ mantrair abliṅgair vāruṇaiḥ śubhaiḥ / āpo nārāyaṇodbhūtās evāsyāyanaṁ punaḥ; / tasmān nārāyaṇaṁ devaṁ snāna-kāle smared budhaḥ; prekṣya soṁkāram ādityaṁ trir nimajjej jalāśaye / athopatiṣṭhed ādityam ūrdhvaṁ puṣpaṁ jalānvitam; prakṣipyālokayed devam ṛg-yajuḥ-sāma-rūpiṇam (Vyāsa-smṛti).