Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 2: Lord Brahmā Instructs Vālmīki
Text 1.2.21

भरद्वाजस्ततः शिष्यो विनीतः श्रुतवान्मुनिः।
कलशं पूर्णमादाय पृष्ठतोऽनुजगाम ह॥

bharadvājas tataḥ śiṣyo vinītaḥ śrutavān muniḥ
kalaśaṁ pūrṇam ādāya pṛṣṭhato ’nujagāma ha

bharadvājaḥ = Bharadvāja; tataḥ = then; śiṣyaḥ = [his] disciple; vinītaḥ = humble; śrutavān = learned; muniḥ = and sagacious; kalaśam = the pot; pūrṇam = filled with water; ādāya = taking and; pṛṣṭhataḥ anujagāma ha = followed him.

Then, Bharadvāja, his humble, learned and sagacious disciple, taking the pot filled with water, followed him.

Śrutavān indicates that Bharadvāja was learned in the scriptures and filled with understanding [15]. He had grasped the meaning of his guru’s śloka. He followed the sage, that is, he didn’t lag behind.

[15] śrutaṁ śāstrāvadhṛtayoḥ (Amara).