Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 21: The Anger and Appeasal of Viśvāmitra
Text 1.21.15
जया च सुप्रभा चैव दक्षकन्ये सुमध्यमे।
ते सुवातेऽस्त्रशस्त्राणि शतं परमभास्वरम्॥
jayā ca suprabhā caiva dakṣa-kanye sumadhyame
te suvāte ’stra-śastrāṇi śataṁ parama-bhāsvaram
jayā ca = Jayā; suprabhā ca eva = and Suprabhā; dakṣa-kanye = daughters of Dakṣa; sumadhyame = were two slender-waisted; te = they; suvāte = gave birth; astra-śastrāṇi = presiding deities of battle weapons and sacrificial weapons; śatam = to a hundred; parama-bhāsvaram = shining with extreme brilliance.
Jayā and Suprabhā were two slender-waisted daughters of Dakṣa. They gave birth to a hundred presiding deities of battle weapons and sacrificial weapons, shining with extreme brilliance.
1 Sacrificial weapons are meant for killing animals in sacrifice.
1This answers the question, “Who were those daughters of Prajāpati Dakṣa?”