Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 22: The Departure of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa with Viśvāmitra
Text 1.22.11

अध्यर्धयोजनं गत्वा सरय्वा दक्षिणे तटे।
रामेति मधुरां वाणीं विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत॥

adhyardha-yojanaṁ gatvā sarayvā dakṣiṇe taṭe
madhurāṁ vāṇīṁ viśvāmitro ’bhyabhāṣata

adhyardha-yojanam = for a yojana and a half; gatvā = having gone; sarayvāḥ = of Sarayū; dakṣiṇe = on the southern; taṭe = bank; rāma iti = Rāma; madhurām = the sweet; vāṇīm = sound,; viśvāmitraḥ = Viśvāmitra; abhyabhāṣata = uttered.

Having gone for a yojana and a half on the southern bank of Sarayū, Viśvāmitra uttered the sweet sound, “Rāma!”

Viśvāmitra considered that since they had walked for a yojana and a half, Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa might feel the pain of hunger and thirst, and so to prevent them from occurring, desired to instruct Them in the sciences of balā and atibalā.

Madhurām: Because Viśvāmitra uttered the holy name of Rāma with devotion, he experienced happiness upon hearing it.