Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 22: The Departure of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa with Viśvāmitra
Text 1.22.4

ततो भूयो वसिष्ठेन मङ्गलैरभिमन्त्रितम्।
आदाय विप्रो हृष्टोऽभूत्त्रिदशा विज्वराभवन्॥

tato bhūyo vasiṣṭhena maṅgalair abhimantritam
vipro hṛṣṭo ’bhūt tridaśā vijvarābhavan

tataḥ bhūyaḥ = again; vasiṣṭhena = Vasiṣṭha; maṅgalaiḥ = auspicious Vedic mantras; abhimantritam = recited; ādāya = accepted Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa and; vipraḥ = the brāhmaṇa Viśvāmitra; hṛṣṭaḥ = happy; abhūt = became; tridaśāḥ = while the demigods; vijvarāḥ = free from anxiety; bhavan = became.

Vasiṣṭha again recited auspicious Vedic mantras. The brāhmaṇa Viśvāmitra accepted Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa and became happy while the demigods became free from anxiety.