Canto 1: Bāla-kāṇḍa (Boyhood)Chapter 22: The Departure of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa with ViśvāmitraText 1.22.6
Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 22: The Departure of Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa with Viśvāmitra
Text 1.22.6
शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषः प्रयाते तु महात्मनि॥
puṣpa-vṛṣṭir mahaty āsīd deva-dundubhi-nisvanaiḥ
śaṅkha-dundubhi-nirghoṣaḥ prayāte tu mahātmani
puṣpa-vṛṣṭiḥ = shower of flowers; mahatī = a great; āsīt = there was; deva-dundubhi-nisvanaiḥ = along with the resounding of celestial drums by the devas; śaṅkha-dundubhi-nirghoṣaḥ = Daśaratha’s party resounded with the blowing of conches and beating of drums; prayāte tu = when that departed; mahā-ātmani = great soul.
When that great soul departed, there was a great shower of flowers along with the resounding of celestial drums by the devas. Conches blew and Daśaratha’s party resounded with the blowing of conches and beating of drums.
There were good omens indicating auspiciousness. The demigods played upon their drums as Lord Rāma began to carry out the purpose for which He had descended.