Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 24: The History of Sarayū
Text 1.24.27
वृत्तबाहुर्महावीर्यो विपुलास्यतनुर्महान्।
राक्षसो भैरवाकारो नित्यं त्रासयते प्रजाः॥
vṛtta-bāhur mahā-vīryo vipulāsya-tanur mahān
rākṣaso bhairavākāro nityaṁ trāsayate prajāḥ
vṛtta-bāhuḥ = with round arms; mahā-vīryaḥ = great heroic strength; vipula-āsya-tanuḥ = a large face and body; mahān = the great; rākṣasaḥ = rākṣasa; bhairava-ākāraḥ = of dreadful appearance; nityam = always; trāsayate = terrified; prajāḥ = the citizens living here.
With round arms, great heroic strength, a large face and body, the great rākṣasa of dreadful appearance always terrified the citizens living here.