Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 24: The History of Sarayū
Text 1.24.31
न हि कश्चिदिमं देशं शक्नोत्यागन्तुमीदृशम्।
यक्षिण्या घोरया राम उत्सादितमसह्यया॥
na hi kaścid imaṁ deśaṁ śaknoty āgantum īdṛśam
yakṣiṇyā ghorayā rāma utsāditam asahyayā
na hi kaścit = nobody; imam deśam = an extremely pious place; śaknoti āgantum = can come; īdṛśam = such as this; yakṣiṇyā = yakṣiṇī; ghorayā = by this terrible; rāma = O Rāma; utsāditam = for it has been depopulated; asahyayā = and intolerable.
O Rāma, nobody can come to such an extremely pious place as this, for it has been depopulated by this terrible and intolerable yakṣiṇī.
Tāṭakā was unconquerable by others and hence intolerable to them.