Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 25: The History of Tāṭakā
Text 1.25.21
श्रूयते हि पुरा शक्रो विरोचनसुतां नृप।
पृथिवीं हन्तुमिच्छतीं मन्थरामभ्यसूदयत्॥
śrūyate hi purā śakro virocana-sutāṁ nṛpa
pṛthivīṁ hantum icchatīṁ mantharām abhyasūdayat
śrūyate hi = it is learnt that; purā = previously; śakraḥ = Indra; virocana-sutām = the daughter of Virocana; nṛpa = O king; pṛthivīm = the earth; hantum = to destroy; icchatīm = when she desired; mantharām = named Mantharā; abhyasūdayat = killed.
O king, it is learnt that previously Indra killed the daughter of Virocana named Mantharā when she desired to destroy the earth.
Viśvāmitra then relates two histories to illustrate that such women should be killed.