Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.10

तां दृष्ट्वा राघवः क्रुद्धां विकृतां विकृताननाम्।
प्रमाणेनातिवृद्धां च लक्ष्मणं सोऽभ्यभाषत॥

tāṁ dṛṣṭvā rāghavaḥ kruddhāṁ vikṛtāṁ vikṛtānanām
ca lakṣmaṇaṁ so ’bhyabhāṣata

tām = her; dṛṣṭvā = seeing; rāghavaḥ = Rāghava; kruddhām = angry; vikṛtām = deformed; vikṛta-ānanām = with a distorted face; pramāṇena ativṛddhām ca = and extremely tall; lakṣmaṇam sah = Lakṣmaṇa; abhyabhāṣata = told the following.

Seeing her angry, deformed, with a distorted face and extremely tall, Rāghava told Lakṣmaṇa the following.