Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.13

एनां पश्य दुराधर्षां मायाबलसमन्विताम्।
विनिवृत्तां करोम्यद्य हृतकर्णाग्रनासिकाम्॥

enāṁ paśya durādharṣāṁ māyā-bala-samanvitām
karomy adya hṛta-karṇāgra-nāsikām

enām = at her; paśya = look; durādharṣām = unassailable; māyā-bala-samanvitām = due to her mystic power of being able to appear and disappear at will; vinivṛttām = turn her away; karomi = I will; adya = today; hṛta-karṇa-agra-nāsikām = having cut off her ears and the tip of her nose.

Look at her, unassailable due to her mystic power of being able to appear and disappear at will! I will turn her away today, having cut off her ears and the tip of her nose.

Lord Rāma thought that He would carry out the instructions of His guru in this manner.