Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.20
ततश्छिन्नभुजां श्रान्तामभ्याशे परिगर्जतीम्।
tataś chinna-bhujāṁ śrāntām abhyāśe parigarjatīm
saumitrir akarot krodhād dhṛta-karṇāgra-nāsikām
tataḥ chinna-bhujām = when her arms had been cut off; śrāntām = and she was exhausted; abhyāśe = all around; parigarjatīm = and roaring; saumitriḥ = the son of Sumitrā; akarot krodhāt hṛta-karṇa-agra-nāsikām = angrily cut off her ears and the tip of her nose.
When her arms had been cut off and she was exhausted and roaring all around, the son of Sumitrā angrily cut off her ears and the tip of her nose.