Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.33

पात्रभूतश्च ते ब्रह्मंस्तवानुगमने धृतः।
कर्तव्यं च महत्कार्यं सुराणां राजसूनुना॥

pātra-bhūtaś ca te brahmaṁs tavānugamane dhṛtaḥ
ca mahat kāryaṁ surāṇāṁ rāja-sūnunā

pātra-bhūtaḥ ca = he is a fit recepient; te = for them; brahman = O brāhmaṇa; tava = to you; anugamane = in service; dhṛtaḥ = his mind is fixed; kartavyam ca = a duty; mahat = great; kāryam = has to carry out; surāṇām = for the demigods; rāja-sūnunā = that prince.

O brāhmaṇa, He is a fit recepient for them. His mind is fixed in service to you. That prince has to carry out a great duty for the demigods.