Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 27: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Summon Divine Weapons
Text 1.27.16

पैशाचमन्त्रं दयितं मोहनं नाम नामतः।
प्रतीच्छ नरशार्दूल राजपुत्र महायशः॥

paiśāca-mantraṁ dayitaṁ mohanaṁ nāma nāmataḥ
nara-śārdūla rāja-putra mahā-yaśaḥ

paiśāca-mantram = of the Piśācas mantra; dayitam = the favorite; mohanam = Mohana; nāma = named; nāmataḥ = the well known; pratīccha = please accept; nara-śārdūla = O tiger among men; rāja-putra = O prince; mahā-yaśaḥ = of great fame.

O tiger among men, O prince of great fame, please accept the well-known favorite mantra of the Piśācas named Mohana.