Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 27: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Summon Divine Weapons
Text 1.27.17-20

तामसं नरशार्दूल सौमनं च महाबल।
सम्वर्तं चैव दुर्धर्षं मौसलं नाम नामतः॥

सत्यमस्त्रं महाबाहो तथा मायाधरं परम्।
घोरं तेजःप्रभं नाम परतेजोऽपकर्षणम्॥

सौम्यास्त्रं शिशिरं नाम त्वाष्ट्रमस्त्रं सुकामदम्।
दारुणं च भगस्यापि शीतेषुमथ मानवम्॥

एतान्नाम महाबाहो कामरूपान्महाबलान्।
गृहाण परमोदारान्क्षिप्रमेव नृपात्मज॥

tāmasaṁ nara-śārdūla saumanaṁ ca mahā-bala
caiva durdharṣaṁ mausalaṁ nāma nāmataḥ

satyam astraṁ mahā-bāho tathā māyādharaṁ param
tejaḥ-prabhaṁ nāma para-tejo-’pakarṣaṇam

saumyāstraṁ śiśiraṁ nāma tvāṣṭram astraṁ sukāmadam
ca bhagasyāpi śīteṣum atha mānavam

etān nāma mahā-bāho kāma-rūpān mahā-balān
paramodārān kṣipram eva nṛpātmaja

tāmasam = the Tāmasa; nara-śārdūla = O tiger among men; saumanam ca = Saumana; mahā-bala = O greatly strong one; samvartam ca eva = Samvarta; durdharṣam = the invincible; mausalam = Mausala; nāma = named; nāmataḥ = the famous; satyam astram = the Satya weapon; mahā-bāho = O one of strong arms; tathā māyādharam param = the great Māyādhara; ghoram = the terrible; tejaḥ-prabham = Tejaḥprabha; nāma = weapon named; para-tejaḥ-apakarṣaṇam = that deprives one’s opponents of their prowess; saumya-astram = the weapon of Soma; śiśiram nāma = named Śiśira; tvāṣṭram astram = the weapon of Tvaṣṭā; sukāmadam = that nicely fulfills ones desires; dāruṇam ca = the Dāruṇa; bhagasya api = of Bhaga; śīteṣum = the Śīteṣu; atha mānavam = and Mānava weapon; etān = these; nāma = and famous; mahā-bāho = O great-armed; kāma-rūpān = which can assume any desired form; mahā-balān = of great strength; gṛhāṇa = accept; parama-udārān = extremely great weapons; kṣipram eva = quickly; nṛpa-ātmaja = prince.

O tiger among men, O greatly strong one, please accept the Tāmasa, Saumana, the invincible Samvarta, the famous weapon named Mausala. O one of strong arms, please accept the Satya weapon, the great Māyādhara, the terrible weapon named Tejaḥprabha that deprives one’s opponents of their prowess, the weapon of Soma named Śiśira, the weapon of Tvaṣṭā that nicely fulfills ones desires, the Dāruṇa of Bhaga, and the Śīteṣu Mānava weapon. O great-armed prince, quickly accept these extremely great weapons of great strength which can assume any desired form.

The Mausala weapon is different from the Musala weapon.