Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 27: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Summon Divine Weapons
Text 1.27.7

गदे द्वे चैव काकुत्स्थ मोदकी शिखरी उभे।
प्रदीप्ते नरशार्दूल प्रयच्छामि नृपात्मज॥

gade dve caiva kākutstha modakī śikharī ubhe
nara-śārdūla prayacchāmi nṛpātmaja

gade dve ca eva = the two maces; kākutstha = O Kākutstha; modakī = Modakī; śikharī ubhe = and Śikharī; pradīpte = brilliant; nara-śārdūla = O tiger among men; prayacchāmi = I will give You; nṛpa-ātmaja = O prince.

O Kākutstha, O prince, O best of men, I will give You the two brilliant maces: Modakī and Śikharī.1

1 “Best of men” is a standard expression while respectfully addressing a king or a prince.