Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine Weapons
Text 1.28.13

चन्द्रार्कसदृशाः केचित्प्रह्वाञ्जलिपुटास्तथा।
रामं प्राञ्जलयो भूत्वाब्रुवन्मधुरभाषिणः॥

candrārka-sadṛśāḥ kecit prahvāñjali-puṭās tathā
prāñjalayo bhūtvābruvan madhura-bhāṣiṇaḥ

candra-arka-sadṛśāḥ = were like the moon and the sun; kecit = some; prahva-añjali-puṭāḥ tathā = with their palms joined in humility; rāmam = to Lord Rāma; prāñjalayaḥ bhūtva = with joined palms; abruvan = they spoke as follows; madhura-bhāṣiṇaḥ = and sweet words.

Some were like the moon and the sun, with their palms joined in humility. With joined palms and sweet words, they spoke to Lord Rāma as follows.