Canto 1: Bāla-kāṇḍa (Boyhood)Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine WeaponsText 1.28.14
Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine Weapons
Text 1.28.14
इमे स्म नरशार्दूल शाधि किं करवाम ते॥
ime sma nara-śārdūla śādhi kiṁ karavāma te
ime sma = here we are; nara-śārdūla = O tiger among men; śādhi = please instruct us; kim = what; karavāma = can we do; te = for You.
O tiger among men, here we are. Please instruct us. What can we do for You?