Canto 1: Bāla-kāṇḍa (Boyhood)Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine WeaponsText 1.28.25
Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 28: Viśvāmitra Teaches Rāma to Withdraw Divine Weapons
Text 1.28.25
एतत्सर्वं मुनिश्रेष्ठ श्रोतुमिच्छाम्यहं प्रभो॥
etat sarvaṁ muni-śreṣṭha śrotum icchāmy ahaṁ prabho
etat = this; sarvam = all of; muni-śreṣṭha = O best of sages; śrotum = hear; icchāmi = wish to about; aham = I; prabhuḥ = O Lord.
O best of sages, O Lord, I wish to hear about all of this.