Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.19-20

तं दृष्ट्वासुरराजेन्द्रो वामनत्वाच्च विस्मितः।
माधवोऽयमिति ज्ञात्वा पूजयामास धर्मतः।
पूजितस्तेन धर्मात्मा सर्वलोकहिताय वै॥

आसाद्य यजमानं तमुवाच भगवान्हरिः।
स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु महाराज यज्ञश्चातीव शोभनः॥

taṁ dṛṣṭvāsura-rājendro vāmanatvāc ca vismitaḥ
’yam iti jñātvā pūjayām āsa dharmataḥ
tena dharmātmā sarva-loka-hitāya vai

āsādya yajamānaṁ tam uvāca bhagavān hariḥ
te ’stu mahā-rāja yajñaś cātīva śobhanaḥ

tam = Him; dṛṣṭvā = seeing and; asura-rāja-indraḥ = the emperor of the asuras; vāmanatvāt ca= and noticing that He was a dwarf; vismitaḥ = was astonished; mādhavaḥ = Lord Mādhava; ayam = this is; iti = that; jñātvā = He understood; pūjayām āsa = worshipped Him and; dharmataḥ = in accordance with Vedic dharma; pūjitaḥ = being thus worshipped; tena = by Bali; dharma-ātmā = that righteous; sarva-loka-hitāya vai = for the welfare of all worlds; āsādya = having approached; yajamānam = the performer of that yajña; tam = Bali; uvāca = spoke as follows; bhagavān = the Supreme Personality of Godhead; hariḥ = Lord Hari; svasti te astu = may there be auspiciousness unto you; mahā-rāja = O great king; yajñaḥ ca = this sacrifice; atīva = is extremely; śobhanaḥ = auspicious.

Seeing Him and noticing that He was a dwarf, the emperor of the asuras was astonished. He understood that this is Lord Mādhava and worshipped Him in accordance with Vedic dharma. Being thus worshipped by Bali, that righteous Lord Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, having approached Bali, the performer of that yajña, spoke as follows for the welfare of all worlds: May there be auspiciousness unto you, O great king! This sacrifice is extremely auspicious.