Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.31

पत्न्या सह विनिश्चित्य यजमानो महाबलिः।
मायारूपेण देवेशो मम यज्ञं गतो यदि।
तदैतद्यज्ञसाफल्यमेवमस्त्विति चाब्रवीत्॥

patnyā saha viniścitya yajamāno mahā-baliḥ
deveśo mama yajñaṁ gato yadi
evam astv iti cābravīt

patnyā saha = with his wife; viniścitya = ascertained the matter, and; yajamānaḥ = the performer of the sacrifice; mahā-baliḥ = the great Bali; māyā-rūpeṇa = disguising Himself; deva-iśaḥ = the Lord of the devas; mama = my; yajñam = sacrifice; gataḥ = has come to; yadi = if; tadā = then; etat-yajña-sāphalyam = the very success of this sacrifice; evam astu iti ca = this will be; abravīt = said.

The great Bali, the performer of the sacrifice, ascertained the matter with his wife and said: If the Lord of the devas has come to my sacrifice disguising Himself, then this will be the very success of this sacrifice!